Job Description: E-QIP Data/Quality Improvement Coach
Company: AMHO/E-QIP
Location: TORONTO, Ontario
Job Category: Administrative
Job Type: Contract
Salary: Not Specified
E-QIP Data/Quality Improvement Coach
The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is a partnership initiative between Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (AMHO), the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario (CMHA), CMHA’s Provincial Support and Health Quality Ontario (HQO) and supports quality improvement within the community mental health and addictions sector.
Job Description
This full time contract position will support both a quality improvement (QI) and data coaching role providing support directly to community mental health and addiction agencies as part of the Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP).
Since March 2016, E-QIP has provided leadership and capacity building in the community mental health and addictions sector by promoting and supporting quality improvement, measurement and the use of data in decision-making. Led by Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (AMHO and Canadian Mental Health Association, (CMHA) Ontario Division and going forward E-QIP will be delivered in close partnership with Health Quality Ontario (HQO) – soon to be Ontario Health – and the Provincial System Support Program (PSSP) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
The main objectives of this new phase of E-QIP will be to improve client outcomes and client experiences of care in the community-based mental health and addictions sector. It will accomplish this work by:
- Increasing the understanding and use of quality improvement methodologies in mental health and addiction care
- Increasing data literacy (collecting, analyzing, using data)
- Working towards improvement in key domains of quality and spreading promising practices
- Supporting a culture of quality improvement learning and mentorship across the province
Reporting to the Directors of Quality Improvement (AMHO and CMHA) the Data/QI Coach will offer project and organizational support related to quality improvement and data management and co-ordination in an effort to enhance data management and the ability to analyze and effectively utilize data within a QI frame. The Data/QI Coach provide project and organizational support related to QI models/frameworks practices, methods, tools and policies as well as support aimed at facilitating improved data quality and usage through data capture, extraction, analysis and reporting. They also will play an important role in creating connections and alignments across projects and organizations, managing multiple projects simultaneously. Candidates will have a strong background in data and evaluation and familiarity with commonly used data sets in the community mental health and addiction sector (eg. OPOC, OCAN/ IAR, DATIS).
Primary Functions /Responsibilities will be to support projects and organizations with the following:
Data Management and Coordination Coaching:
- Defining and developing measures or indicators
- Coordinating, collecting and analysing data
- Reporting and disseminating information
- Ensuring integrity and accuracy of data
- Using existing or developing databases
- Developing methods or processes for extracting and managing data
- Assist in developing knowledge and skills related to data collection, monitoring, analysis, reporting and prioritizing data-related activities with agencies and with local data managers or coordinators
Quality Improvement Coaching:
- Communicate the vision for QI and data quality and integration
- Offer structure, time and focus to QI and Data
- Serve as knowledge brokers by connecting providers and organizations to best practices, resources and tools
- Support agencies in building QI capacity through weekly coaching
- Customize processes to the situation or context
- Facilitate problem-solving, assist in developing knowledge and skills
- Support providers and organizations in setting and achieving performance goals
- Assist in prioritizing activities
- Facilitate adoption and implementation of best practice
- Support organizational leaders in change management
- Support QI projects/ initiatives via online QI collaborative platform
- Report project progress to QI collaborative
- Ongoing assessment of organizational QI implementation status
- Interface with HQO QI coaches regionally
Key Skills and Qualifications
The successful candidate will possess a graduate degree in health quality improvement, public health, social sciences, psychology or a related field with a minimum of 5 years related experience. The successful candidate will have, at minimum, five (5) years of experience in mental health and addiction, quality improvement, health services or social sciences evaluation or clinical leadership. Experience managing and developing health and client-systems databases and conducting data analyses is essential. Fluency with at least one statistical package (e.g., SPSS, SAS or STATA) is required.
Given the range and complexity of activities required for successful improvement, the following are skills that have been identified as important and required for this coach role:
- Advanced knowledge of the mental health and addiction sector
- Experience managing projects and managing multiple tasks within established timelines in a team environment required
- Experience working in multi-sectoral partnerships and liaising with non-governmental organizations required
- Familiarity with current QI literature and practices (e.g., Quadruple Aim)
- Familiarity with quality improvement in Ontario and the role of Health Quality Ontario and their relationship to the community mental health and addiction sector
- Familiarity with provincial directions in health care reform and an understanding of Ontario Health Teams and other applicable legislation
- Superior communication and interpersonal skills
- Teaching skills
- Creative problem-solving ability and flexibility
- Strong organizational skills
- Knowledge of QI methods, processes, models
- Content knowledge/experience in clinical settings
- Project management skills
- Group facilitation skills
- Strong PC software skills including experience with Microsoft Office (Word, Access, PowerPoint, Excel)
We encourage applications from all individuals with relevant experience, including consumers and family members.
Candidates also require the ability to work effectively in a wide-range of settings with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Bilingualism (French/English) and experience working with diverse populations would be an asset.
Please note: this is a full-time contract position for the period of October 1 - March 31, 2021.